Archive for diet


Posted in Foods with tags , on September 4, 2016 by MISANTHROPIST

A quick one:

A little while ago I decided to go on a diet. The nature of my work meaning I’m at an office desk every day from 9-7pm. Not great for your fitness or physical health. Ever since I began on this diet I’ve notice that I’ve enjoyed every single meal I’ve eaten. I think it’s due to the better quality/sourced ingredients. I honestly assumed it would all be rabbit food but two months in I’m enjoying my food more than ever. I would complain about the portions but it is a diet and follows the restruant rule: the smaller the portion, the greater the quality.


Things that have changed since I started work.

Posted in General with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 21, 2013 by MISANTHROPIST

I’ve noticed a few changes in myself and my life since work started here’s a small list of the most important ones:

1) I’m physically fitter,
Work seems to have done a number on me in the first month but I already feel much fitter than I did a few weeks ago and the amount of weight loss and muscle gain I’ve experienced has been pretty good. I definitely look better than I have in a long time. Might also be from cycling to work.

2) I have to manage my time now,
Whatever it is I want to do I seem to have to plan it out in advance, I’m not a person who wears a watch or the type that plans ahead for something seemingly unimportant like hanging out with friends or spending time playing my guitar but now I have to. As a result I’ve become much more organized than ever before.

3) Really and extension of number two, my social life is suffering and getting better at the same time.
Obviously I’m meeting people, hanging out with those particular friends more often and suddenly catching up with a social life that I left behind about five or so years ago. Suddenly I’m a privy to all manner of things that I never knew before. Not all of it good. At the same time my time with the people I love is suffering and must be planned meticulously.

4) My diet has improved, vastly.
I’m more likely to eat well because I’m hungry. I’ve eaten salads, pickle and other things I would have turned down before because I’m so damn hungry after work. I think I’m generally appreciating food more.

5) I’m smoking less.
Some days I’ll only smoke five or six cigarettes, I think when I get settled into work completely I’ll go to the doctor and get patches of something because seriously fuck Champix.

6) I will have money.
I’ve gotta try not to go crazy because I’m going to have more money than I know what to do with. It’ll be nice to finally be able to start working towards my goals.

7) I’m more and less tolerant of people at the same time.
I’m more tolerant of people in general lately but even less tolerant of idiots, especially when my time is being wasted. I hate people wasting my limited time so I’m quicker to tell somebody to hurry the fuck up, that they’ve made a mistake or that they’re just being plain stupid or taking the piss.

8) I resent paying so much tax on everything.
Another reason I prefer America. You think your taxes are insane, try living here. I’m surprised I don’t get taxed for breathing. There’s certain things I’m happy to pay tax for like the NHS because even though it is a clusterfuck it does save lives. Other things I’m not so happy to pay for. Better make sure I vote.

These are the main thing. Thanks for reading…